Thursday, September 28, 2006

I must 'fes up...

The police station in Santa Monica!

It's not been all roses across the pond.

I must come clean and admit to Andre that:
1. I had my iRiver stolen - looking at it positively though - it will be an opportunity to get an iPod so I can use all of your add-ons. A bit narked though really... and
2. I pulled a muscle in my neck. It wasn't a disaster by any stretch of the imagination. It did mean that I didn't go out for a few days. So fairly minor and might not even warrant a SODIT rating? And it was done in a rather amusing fashion.
When I was catsitting 10 days ago, the big black cat jumped off the windowsill and onto the bed in the middle of the night. He obviously misjudged it slightly beacuse he landed on my face. I'm certain it was a lack of sure footedness rather than a deliberate attempt on my life because we were both very shocked. He emitted an incredibly, neigh unfeasibly, ear-piercing squeal and tore round the flat like he'd seen the scariest dog in Scarydogville during the final of the Scariest Dog in the World Ever Competition, and I levitated about a foot off the bed, star shaped, "Hair Bear Bunch" hair, trapping and pulling things in the process. I spent the next two days making that noise. You know the weird one you make when you do your back? It's a really feeble, 'aaahhh', as if you're a bit shocked every time it happens.

I've seen some good films since I've been here: Queens (lightish/ meaningfulish) Spanish film about 10 gay men getting spliced - actually it's mainly about their mums: The Science of Sleep - with Gael Garcia Bernal (the sweetie) - a romcom (not usually my thing), unusual and done very well. I saw a couple of old Almodovar films as well.

Anyway...back in Venice.

Star spot - Roy Scheider at traffic lights in Santa Monica - obviously stayed in my psyche because I made a beach scene with the children in the play area in 3D that had a shark coming out of the water! And room mate saw Harrison Ford (but I wasn't there). Met some more really nice people (welcome Petra and Amy to the blog).

Clinic - I know I've done the right thing. It's been fascinating shadowing the acupuncturists and I really wish I could stay longer. In fact I wish I'd stuck to my original idea and just done it here. The clinic is great. Everyone is totally committed to the work and they are so friendly and supportive. So I am definitely going to do another stint on the way back from central america. I know it means I don't get to see much of the states, but let's face the state governor says... I will be back.

So apart from being at the clinic about 45 hours a week, I have been to loads of good restaurants (some great hidden locals' gems), spent the weekend up in the San Fernando valley, been to a self realisation fellowship meditation, walked my feet to bare bones and will be off to Yosemite in about 10 days to walk them even further.

Still can't manage the portions. I will send an alert if I ever finish a meal.


At 8:06 PM, Blogger electroman said...

Hey Amanda, I'm glad you didn't regret doing the placement. It's definitely going to be extremely useful for your course next year. Queens (the Spanish film) is great, I really enjoyed it! I'm sorry to hear about your neck...Glad that you are feeling better though! I went back to uni last week for my MA (I'm doing one module with Lucy!) and therefore, the past two weeks were extremely busy...I had an awful cold last week too, which didn't really help the situation, but I'm feeling much better now. I went to see 'The Devil wears Prada' today and it was fantastic - I definitely recommend it! Anyway, I'll send you another message soon!xxx

At 7:46 AM, Blogger Mils said...

Andre, how've you been, great mate? Re photo as uploaded by clever clogs Iraklis, you can upload a picture of yourself onto your deatils and it will appear against your name when you post. As for the aforementioned photos, my blog is protected against such intrusions...precisely because I know you...

At 2:06 PM, Blogger orangepeel said...

Cheers Andre for making me out to be the complete homophobe. For the record I was cool with a certain Mr D Bowie's trisexuality when you were still into prog rock. As for the Yorkshire reference ironic that La Milsa herself name dropped D Hockney of..................Yorkshire. That said there's no way I'm going to see the flick if it doesn't have the requisite car chases, explosions and gratuitous violence. Ideally it could have some footie in it......possibly a tribute to Roy Keane...not too much to ask. Any way after all of the supportive postings what I really need to know is Millie- are you getting any?

At 9:01 PM, Blogger orangepeel said...

Andre Andre so good he posts it twice
Andre Andre a Gooner with no vice
Sorry Milsa
Won't let this degenerate into a (half)wit contest with Andre but can the whole world note that he didn't deny the prog rock association.
Hoist by his own leotard methinks.

At 1:22 AM, Blogger Mils said...

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At 1:24 AM, Blogger Mils said...

And have you seen his Dido collection? Hoist by his own leotard sans coordinating thong and leg warmers, me thinks...


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