Thursday, September 28, 2006

I must 'fes up...

The police station in Santa Monica!

It's not been all roses across the pond.

I must come clean and admit to Andre that:
1. I had my iRiver stolen - looking at it positively though - it will be an opportunity to get an iPod so I can use all of your add-ons. A bit narked though really... and
2. I pulled a muscle in my neck. It wasn't a disaster by any stretch of the imagination. It did mean that I didn't go out for a few days. So fairly minor and might not even warrant a SODIT rating? And it was done in a rather amusing fashion.
When I was catsitting 10 days ago, the big black cat jumped off the windowsill and onto the bed in the middle of the night. He obviously misjudged it slightly beacuse he landed on my face. I'm certain it was a lack of sure footedness rather than a deliberate attempt on my life because we were both very shocked. He emitted an incredibly, neigh unfeasibly, ear-piercing squeal and tore round the flat like he'd seen the scariest dog in Scarydogville during the final of the Scariest Dog in the World Ever Competition, and I levitated about a foot off the bed, star shaped, "Hair Bear Bunch" hair, trapping and pulling things in the process. I spent the next two days making that noise. You know the weird one you make when you do your back? It's a really feeble, 'aaahhh', as if you're a bit shocked every time it happens.

I've seen some good films since I've been here: Queens (lightish/ meaningfulish) Spanish film about 10 gay men getting spliced - actually it's mainly about their mums: The Science of Sleep - with Gael Garcia Bernal (the sweetie) - a romcom (not usually my thing), unusual and done very well. I saw a couple of old Almodovar films as well.

Anyway...back in Venice.

Star spot - Roy Scheider at traffic lights in Santa Monica - obviously stayed in my psyche because I made a beach scene with the children in the play area in 3D that had a shark coming out of the water! And room mate saw Harrison Ford (but I wasn't there). Met some more really nice people (welcome Petra and Amy to the blog).

Clinic - I know I've done the right thing. It's been fascinating shadowing the acupuncturists and I really wish I could stay longer. In fact I wish I'd stuck to my original idea and just done it here. The clinic is great. Everyone is totally committed to the work and they are so friendly and supportive. So I am definitely going to do another stint on the way back from central america. I know it means I don't get to see much of the states, but let's face the state governor says... I will be back.

So apart from being at the clinic about 45 hours a week, I have been to loads of good restaurants (some great hidden locals' gems), spent the weekend up in the San Fernando valley, been to a self realisation fellowship meditation, walked my feet to bare bones and will be off to Yosemite in about 10 days to walk them even further.

Still can't manage the portions. I will send an alert if I ever finish a meal.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Five and a half weeks down...twenty-two to go

It already seems eons ago that Mary and I stayed with Oliver and Daria. It was a sunny Thursday afternoon in Boston, and we went straight from the airport to a bar in Newton to sup some ice cold Samuel Adams (we had already been up about 20 hours on account of getting to the airport ludicrously early because of the baggage crisis). They have a new Toyota Prius. Now I don't usually get excited about cars, but it's top of my list when I replace Monica the Renault ("shakin' her ass..." and being lovingly taken care of by Samreen - I hope). It automatically cuts in to run silently on self - generated electricity at appropriate points - like magic - energy efficient silent running at lights and when the car's at a standstill. Only Daria didn't realise it was still on and left it idling at a parking bay for 4 hours. Happy days!

It was also lovely to catch up with the family: Avis, Craig, Russ, Holly and Josh, my nephew, who is 7, and it's the first time I've met him. Now that's bad, isn't it? And you heard it here first...I'm not being that slack again.

Since the US Open I have kept in touch with the Number 1 Nico fan. I sent her a copy of a picture I took of Nico and our favourite Chilean ball boy, Patricio, who kept us entertained on the Monday morning when it rained for the first hour. She is going to publish it on the Men's Tennis Forum Nico site. Milly...published at last.

Some of you will know Trudi, my friend in Washington, as she came over for New Year. I will defintely see her on the way back in Feb but we are trying to co-ordinate to meet in South America. I wasn't planning a jaunt to Buenos Aires but apparently it's the "Paris of South America", so that might be on the cards for December. A bit of Tango, perhaps?

The clinic work is going well. I'm not doing anything earth - shatteringly exciting yet, but next week I start sitting in on the joint professional meeting and shadowing the acupuncturist on the Tuesday evening session. I am also going to do some very dull admin for the HIV/AIDS unit. They are V grateful (it's that dull!) and are trying to arrange for me to shadow rounds with their specialist. It's going to be really useful for me to experience traditional/alternative treatments dealt with in this way. No-one who comes to this clinic has proper insurance, yet they get access to these treatments because they are needed, not because they can afford them. They also do some work with the homeless, who can come in and use the facilities, such as showers, etc. You all know how I feel about this stuff: Neo-liberalists, Reagan/Thatcher as notables, who started dismantling our health care services. If people don't have access to the facilities to keep them healthy how can they take part in 'democracies'? There are so many ways to disenfranchise people, education and health being the top choices. But hey, the tax burden is down that's good. Enough...

So, my new American buddies are really lovely. Jill is a teacher working with the teenage mums project and Dave is a pastry chef who has just sold his share in a restaurant and is looking to open something new. I'm going to spend a bit of time in San Francisco with Jill before I head off to Yosemite for 4 days of camping and walking in the middle of October. I'm going to save Route 1 for February, or perhaps my next trip out, as I'm going to be fairly busy at the clinic until I leave in October for Peru.

Erin, Jill and Milly in the bar of that hotel they made Pretty Woman in (forgotten the name)... locals say that I am singularly the most`unimpressed by Hollywood´ person they have ever seen...

Richard and Carol have been friends of Ivy's (Norwich Ivy) since she was a young artist doing the Santa Monica thing in the 70's. We had a lovely day last weekend pootling round Pacific Palisades, Malibu and Topanga. It's one of the things I really love about Venice;just off the beach area you've got cafes and one - off shops, a more bohemian and actively political culture. Then you can stand on the beach and be looking at the beautiful sunset over Topanga and the Santa Monica mountains which are a short bus ride away. I think I'll be up there for a stroll one day this weekend. We spent some very peaceful time last weekend in the Self Realisation Fellowship grounds and lake area where they have some of Gandhi's ashes. It was really beautiful and mystical in the way that Machu Picchu is. Carol works on Santa Monica boulevard so has become a great lunch partner! They have two gorgeous parrots, one of which speaks incessantly and rather amusingly calls for Richard in Carol's voice and vice versa!

Jill, Dave and I were at a "totally gay" bar in West Hollywood last night (still in West Hollywood you are pretty much either very buffed and gay, or wearing kitten cream lipstick and Muscovite...and that's the men...boom boom). I've never seen such a fuss made over a bee. As the new barman came to take over from Lily Savage behind the bar, Lily screamed, "this is no place to work...the conditions...there are 30 million bees and that's no exaggeration...", as one very tiny and obviously rather tired and dopey insect (on account of being sprayed by Lily with Windex for the preceding half an hour) dozily and pathetically buzzed occasionally round the pineapple.

Chatted for a while with a couple who had been together for 20 years that evening. A few years ago there was a mass gay ceremony held in San Francisco when it became legal for same sex weddings. They went up and queued for nearly 24 hours in the rain and eventually got their licence and had their ceremony. A short time after this was recinded when the law was overturned and licences revoked. They were offered their $60 back but have kept the licence for the day when they are all invited back to have the licence and their marriage solemnised. We drank to that with a very large mojito.

And the answer is...

You lot! And I know Doommonger Luck is just waiting for me to post so that he can say he was just going to say that...

Born in a midlands city some undisclosed time ago, this legend of music won entertainer of the year award in 1988. What an achievement for someone who worked with my Uncle Jim. He is... (please click link)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

This week I are be mostly cat sitting in West Hollywood

I cat sit for Susan and Bernard in Tooting (a big black boy cat who demands lots of attention and pinches all the food and a little squeaky girl cat who's a bit nervous). I cat sit for John in West Hollywood (a big black boy cat who demands lots of attention and pinches all the food and a little squeaky girl cat who's a bit nervous) - how spooky is that? I have transplanted my life across the pond.

It's great having an apartment to myself but obviously I'm out of Venice and there's no-one to just hang out with up here. It's also just off Santa Monica Boulevard ("All I wanna do is have some la...") which is Route 66, so it's a pretty busy main road. There's an organic supermarket across the road which I keep finding excuses to go to: "I really need some unsulphured Ranier cherries to go with my VeryCherrySoy desert, and some Reeses pieces to go with my Peanut Butter Chocolate explosion ice cream." Did I mention I love the food here? Did I mention I split my trousers? Fortunately my new American mates are coming to save me tomorrow night.

I wandered up to Hollywood Boulevard (The Walk of Fame) yesterday evening to see what's on at the movies. As I took a swig from my water bottle I looked down and saw that I was standing on a particular person's Hollywood Star. There's a special prize on my return for the person who can guess whose star was that? Who is pretty much the only person whose star would make me chuckle? Answers in comments please by Friday 7pm California time.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

I'm so excited I can't breathe...

I have completed two days at the clinic in the Santa Monica and Venice Beach sites. I am fully aware that a certain level of intensity and worthiness is expected of me at all times (much to Doommonger Luck's annoyance mostly, although even the Head of our Department refered to me as 'principled' - I think that's code for annoying as well), but am I on this occasion allowed to be completely shallow? I'll tell you about the clinic another time. Let this posting be all about me and what a great time I'm having...

Having spent far too many holidays on my own, not even exchanging pleasantries with a living soul for days on end, I decided to overcome all shyness and just speak to people. It actually works! On my first night in Venice, where usually I would have said hello at most and then run off, I introduced myself to someone, invited myself out to dinner with her and ended up having a really lovely evening (welcome Jill to this blog!). She asked two friends to join us (welcome Dave and Veronica to this blog). At the end of the evening, we exchanged numbers and I was invited out to Sunset Strip the following evening with Dave and his friends.

Now, mates of some longevity, what were the chances of my actually following up that invitation to join a bunch of strangers on an evening out? Zero? Absolute zero? Well you will be pleased to know that 5 minutes before I was due to call to say yes/no I was still tearing my hair out and thinking I'd go to bed with a hot cocoa. But I said yes. I was picked up at 10.45pm, driven round Beverly Hills, Hollywood and such like, taken to a really swanky Sushi bar on Sunset Strip where all the celebs go, had a brilliant evening with Dave and his lovely mates and fell into bed about 4am. Hoorah! You know I'm not in the slighest bit star struck or interested in celebs (Nico and his mum excepted, of course) but for the benefit of Sal and Glyn, Jake G was there.

And I LOVE Venice Beach. I have only felt seriously like this about Melbourne. If I were told I had to stay I would be beside myself with joy. And to continue being seriously shallow, I think I stumbled across the appartment that Hutch lived in. It's a cream double fronted house that says Venice Place on the front. I think Sal, Jayne or Brian might even remember without looking, but Andre might need to refer to Starsky and Hutch Season 1. I need someone to confirm this for me!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

California dreaming

What a very lovely time I've had in DC. I haven't done anything earth shatteringly exciting but it's been really fun: walked (especially with new dog Sofi), been to the gym, eaten good food, drank good wine, watched films and so on. Some of Trudi's friends are moving to Cambridge for a year (that's Harvard Cambridge not the hallowed towers of sleepy UK Cambridge) and had a leaving croquet party. As the lone Brit I was called upon to adjudicate and umpire: they didn't care that I've never played. Valuable lesson learnt there: you can say anything as long as you do it with assertion!

Trudi lives in Adam's Morgan which is a culturally diverse and hip place with loads of great restaurants (those that ask for ID excepted...) and walking distance from the centre, White House and so on. What it does have, however, is the fire station a few doors from Trudi's block and as she understatedly warned me, an enormous red X directly underneath the bedrooms which says, "have drunken row here". Still it's amusing to hear her at 4am hanging out of the window politely asking people if they can have their discussion about other wo/man / Bush/ X elsewhere. Sunday was Adam's Morgan day and the whole area was a carnival with bands, food, stalls, art, and as the primaries are coming up, lots of canvassing.

So I'm packed and almost ready for lunch at the 'amusingly' sixth form named Madam's Organ,"The Heart of Adam's Morgan" and off to Cal-i-for-ni-a.

Monday, September 11, 2006

ID? Are you joking?

Friends and 'non-friends' alike, I am, as you know, generally a relatively laid back person. However, I do feel a bit of a 'rant' coming on. It's been a while and I need them every now and again...I'll keep it brief.

Firstly, George Dubya was giving a White House press conference a few weeks ago. He stopped a journalist mid question and said, "now hold on there, buddy, no-one ever linked Iraq to 9/11..." I know that on occasion I'm a little hazy on detail, but directly after the 9/11 attacks didn't he and Rumsfeld do exactly that? In fact, didn't they expend a lot of resources being determined to do exactly that? And in the build up to the war, when they couldn't find any actual facts linking Saddam Hussein to al Qaeda (an unsurprising outcome to both us and them), didn't they proceed to bypass UN processes and resolutions to go to war against Iraq by continually stressing that they knew he had connections with al Qaeda and therefore the attack? Links, and of course those elusive WoMD.

Secondly, last night I was asked for ID to have wine with my dinner. As I am precisely double the legal age alllowing the purchase of alcoholic beverages in the US I don't tend to take it with me. Neither does Trudi. Who lives here... Therefore they wouldn't serve us. At first I thought they were joking. A few more seconds and I would have been prodding them, winking as I howled, "oh, you guys!" at the charm of the teen queen manager asking two people with a combined age approaching 90 for ID! Apparently in DC if they think you might be under 35 they can ask you for it. This isn't advertised anywhere. Locals don't appear to know this either. The teen queen could give me no explanation other than it's to protect minors. Obviously if you're 34 you might buy an illegal drink for a wanton drug and alcohol adolled teenager but at a mature 36 you would never dream of it. I know we could be flattered that the staff thought we might have been in our mid thirties, but frankly I'm not.

Two aspects to this really annoy me (just the two, I hear you breathe a sigh of relief...). The first is more superficial. I really want 'managers' to do better customer service than that. Smiling and being a bit 'sweet' and helpless doesn't cut it for me. But what really consumes me is that the foundation of this is nothing to do with the real health and welfare of young people, especially those young people in need or who are disadvantaged. It is litigation.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Washington Post(ing) 09/07/2006

Trainee Acupuncturist Heartbroken by Personal Criticism

So - called friends of the plucky midlander, Amanda Raynor-Lee, continue to poke fun at her 'perceived' unfortunate mishaps and inabililty to organise a p*ssup in a brewery. But she has actually managed to organise her own life with some success, including many trips over the years which have passed by completely incident free. Earlier this year Milly arranged a 6 week trip to South America for herself and friend, Lucy. On reading the comments left by people on the "Mils on Tour" blog, she sent this email to Milly, "Was not the least surprised that you encountered no problems with the travelling we certainly never did, really is a very strange reputation that you have acquired!!" Lucy Davies, true friend of Milly, 09/06/2006.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Tia Sonja y los chilenos

Warning...if you are not interested in tennis this post may not be the one for you...except, of course, especially great things did happen in this new lucky Millyennium.
Let me first of all deal with Mr.Luck the Harbinger of Doom. True the hurricane caught the edge of New York and Tuesday was rained off but I got a free ticket for Friday. It rained all day Saturday as well, so I went to the Museum of the Native American, ate great food in SoHo and drank cocktails in Brendan's on no hardship or mishap there at all. I know you look forward to the next installment of 'Milly - what happened next?' but I'm in Pollyanna world now...what could possibly go wrong? So, to the US Open...
In the queue on Monday (Day 1) the american woman next to us started chatting. It was all very pleasant, eager tennis chat. I got to tell my Athens story all over again ( Sally and I have a pact that we will try to bore at least one person a week with the entire narrative of our 8 days watching Olympic tennis in Athens). I got to recount the tale of breakfast with Martina Navaratilova in Wimbledon last year. And all of this to a huge tennis fan. You will be asking, " How could this POSSIBLY get any better?"
Well for a start we saw some great matches: Rafa, Mark Philippoussis (Flip, Scud, Pinhead), Carlos Moya (Lord Carlos as they call him this side of the pond), Gaston Gaudio (the most unhappy player in the world), Juan Carlos (the maestro), Fernando Gonzalez (Fena, Gonzo). Really all good. You all know my penchant for the tennis golden boy of the Olympics, Nicolas Massu (el Nico, el vampiro). The new chum from the queue turns out not only to be a Nico fan, in fact the No.1 Nico fan, but also the writer of the Nico webpage on the men's tennis forum! We watched every match, dissected and analysed, sat with all the chileans and cheered until we were red, white and blue in the face (Chi, le, chi, chi, le, viva chile! Vamos Nicola!) and one day sat directly in front of the Massu family with his mum, Sonja, resplendant in hotpants, leatherette vest top and sequin studded cowboy hat with a flashing sign saying 'golden boy'. It was too much to bear!
So endeth that section of the trip. Mary went home and I took the bus to Washington DC.